Who I am!
My name is Ciampa Vincenzo Michele, I'm a craftsman and my story begins with 4 failures and a dream I didn't know I had. I started as a restorer and we get to the first failure, then I started making chessboards and boom second failure, then wooden jewelry and bam the third, the fourth comes when I decided to make "artistic" cutting boards.
At the same time, since I was very young I've been a devourer of fantasy books, comics and manga but let's say my city... it wasn't a fertile ground where a kid could cultivate such a passion.

But during the pandemic period, free time and finally a decent connection allowed me to better explore the online world and thanks to my live shows and youtube content I finally met people with my same passions and I was finally able to start a D&D campaign.
My craftsman brain was immediately bombarded with product ideas, and here we come to the dream I didn't know I had, to create useful, practical, high-quality accessories in wood, to make the evenings of all "adventurers" smarter and more pleasant.